“Danny Devriendt has been a leading influencer and thought leader in digital and social media for more than two decades. Beyond his massive following, Danny has also provided numerous global clients with sound strategic guidance to navigate their brands amidst ever-changing societal and corporate trends. As a speaker, it is Danny’s genuine warmth, depth of knowledge and humor that put him above anyone else in his category and any organization will be lucky to have him at their event.”
John C. Havens, Executive Director, IEEE Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in the Design of Autonomous Systems and author, Heartificial Intelligence: Embracing our Humanity to Maximize our Machines.
“Danny Devriendt is een inspirerende spreker waarbij inhoud, bruikbaarheid en humor perfect afgewisseld worden. Op een onderhoudende manier loodst hij je in verschillende werelden binnen, van nieuwe technologieën over communicatietechnieken tot de link met gekende feiten. Geef hem een thema en een doel, dan laat hij zijn publiek in spanning meegenieten van het verhaal dat perfect past binnen de bedrijfsdoelstellingen.”
Luc Missinne, Directeur Unizo Nationaal, MarCom, Sales & Partnerships
“We had been looking for an interesting and inspiring high-level keynote speaker on electronic and web-based tools for quite a while without success when we finally found Danny Devriendt. We were delighted to see that he managed with his presentation to do exactly what we had hoped for: to get across some key messages and to stimulate the debate amongst our public.”
Janna SCHöNFELD, European Commission, Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME)
“Danny Devriendt has been key in delivering the Bluetooth SIG messages to industry contacts, online influencers, traditional media and end-consumers. The inventive integrated marketing/communications approach, using a mix of traditional outreach, direct influencer contact, a broad range of online tactics and viral marketing helped the Bluetooth SIG reach over 85% brand recognition, and triggered multiple awards and honorary mentions.“
Anders Edlund, Communications and Marketing Director, Bluetooth SIG
“J’ai compris très vite que Danny Devriendt savait concevoir avec audace des approches stratégiques gagnantes quand je lui ai confié chez Parrot la coordination de mes 10 bureaux PR à l’international. Mais, franchement, ce qui m’impressionne le plus chez Danny c’est le speaker calme et passionné qu’il m’a été donné de rencontrer. Je pense que Danny a une Intelligence hors norme qui vous fait bouillir le cerveau à 360°. « Passeur » de tendances ? Evangéliste des média sociaux et des nouvelles technologies ? Ecoutez-le : Il est un peu tout cela à la fois pour savoir créer des moments aussi magiques à chaque rencontre !”
Jean-Marc BOURGOUIN, Directeur du marketing de Proservia/ManpowerGroup
“Danny Devriendt brengt storytelling live op het podium. Hij voert in de praktijk uit waarover anderen enkel strategische nota’s schrijven. Met een drietalige flair, als spreker of deelnemer aan een panelgesprek spreekt hij over social media met relevante praktijkvoorbeelden. Hij moet zowat de oudste digital native zijn, een ervaren pionier. Hem bezig horen is altijd een verrijking.”
Bert Kuypers, CEO, MediaSpecs
“Danny Devriendt is an impressive senior advisor for strategic communication and public relations with 20+ years of media experience. He can clearly help any company wishing to improve its brand awareness and image over Europe. Besides, he brings a real sense of humor to all his activities! Danny’s ideas and actions have been key for promoting my brand fast and loud.“
Nicolas Halftermeyer, Chief Marketing Officer, Parrot
“De kijk die Danny Devriendt brengt op toekomstige (media/communicatie) evoluties start dikwijls vanuit het verleden en bewandelt een pad waarin iedereen zijn richting weet te vinden. Hij brengt relevantie ipv paniek zoals enkel ervaren gidsen dat kunnen.”
Bart Decoster , Corporate Director, Mediahuis Connect
“I had the pleasure of seeing Danny coach people on a range of media relations and media training challenges – ranging from SMEs to Fortune 500 companies and C-suites . He is a fast thinker and strategically nimble, ensuring organizations are prepared for almost any issue or opportunity. There is no one I would recommend more highly.”
Laurent Schots, Director Corp. Online Media & PR at UCB
“I engaged Danny Devriendt as a keynote speaker for an event run by the Association of European State Lotteries. He is one of those rare speakers who is not only a professional and engaging speaker, but has a practical background and experience to back up his presentations. His content was solid and completely relevant for the theme of the Event (Social media and PR/Communications) and he delivered it in a way that held the audience’s attention. His preparation was meticulous and he took my brief 100% and understood exactly what was wanted. And if all of that were not enough, I found him to be a genuinely “nice person” who enjoyed what he did and delivered what was required. He was a gentleman and a pleasure to work with, and I would definitely hire him again.
Ray Bates, Honorary President, European Lotteries