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The longest day

By 14/07/20084 Comments

We were invited by the Vespa club de France (thanks mister Reine!) to showcase our Bluetooth enabled fleet on the docks of Quillebeuf sur Seine on the 14th of July.  Parrots MG TF, and both the Lotus and the LaRo Lightweight featured alongside vintage Vespas and a plethora of French classic cars.

Thousands of people took turns around our wheels, admired the stunning audio blasting out of the Parrot RK 8200 radio (we linked it up to a 1800 musical watt installation in the Lightweight J), and posed in, on or around the vehicles.

Our youngest admirer was 1, the oldest one just turned 97. We drained the batteries of our Sony Ericsson phones while streaming audio to our speakers for more than 10 hours straight.

A sunny day. Lots of demos. Sunburned. Sore feet. Aching backs. Tortured ears. Hungry. But very satisfied… we smile 😉


  • Danny says:

    O my !

  • Vince Holton says:

    It is a bad thing to spill your milk over young ladies.

    (now pushing the boundaries of Internet porn. I’ll get my coat)

  • Danny says:

    Hey, those shorts are HOT in France Vince, but do not worry…. one day, that fashion will eventually reach the UK as well.
    And the nice lady in the blue T-shirt said she will take you to a carshow as soon as you can hold your milk bottle without spilling it all over her….

  • Vince Holton says:

    It was very kind of the nice lady in the blue T-shirt to look after you Danny. I’m not sure about those shorts though.

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