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The Race around the World in… 80 badges.

By 09/04/2010No Comments

I am the mayor of Avalon, a secret Eden in Normandy. And I collect other Foursquare mayor-ships like ancient warriors glued scalps to their Hokenavaloha Spears. But there is a new game in town: the Quest for the ultimate Foursquare badges.

A new breed Knights of the Round Table boldly crosses city borders and mountain ranges and dwells in ridiculous expensive cocktail lounges and fashionable trade shows to collect and unlock the most prestigious badges.

For you, dear readers, that have been living under a stone for the last 14 months, good morning,  Foursquare is a location centered application that allows users to update their location, and share it with friends. 🙂

In this most Holy Quest, some are really pushing it far. Let me tell you the tale of fifteen-year-old Parker Liautaud and 44-year old David Newman who are on this  most very moment racing themselves through endless miles of powder snow and wee-wee freezing temperatures to be the first to check in at the North Pole.

That’s right. The North Pole. Just to unlock a badge that looks exactly like this.

O well. Let them have it. I will personally leave no stone unturned to get an even greater badge. This one.

You get it when you recklessly showed up in 25 different pizza places.

Do you hear this, Parker and David? 25! Choose your battles carefully! 😉

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