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New pandemy: The Social Media Guru disease…

By 18/10/2009One Comment

Really, I don’t care what people are doing for a living. As long as they get at it in an honest, professional and preferably passionate way I am game. And my vision is that it takes as much effort and skill to be a good mechanic than a trusted brain surgeon.

But I’m getting a bit tired –must be my advancing age- that any weirdo with half a broadband connection, 9 friends on Facebook and a couple of dozen followers on Twitter suddenly labels himself a Social Media Guru. SMG’s spread quicker than a field of rabbits on Viagra and sell themselves hard and expensive. Way too many have no clue on life, the universe, everything.

It takes more than an occasional Internet visit to guide people around the digital spider webs out there, and I am a bit weary with people who try to do it on a guessed estimate. Having a healthy sense of communication strategy, social interaction laws, agogics, and the ability to calculate a healthy ROI for clients should be mandatory. Most often, it’s not even an option. 🙂

Clients wanting to buy Social Media Services often are way too inexperienced with the new game in town to be able to safely choose the right partner. I just hope that –as always- the wannabees will fall through the ice soonest.

This video shows what I mean. You might not want to click on it if you’re sensitive to a stronger language…

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