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 Every year crazy bets are made on who will walk away with the prestigious “Time, person of the year” label. The tradition of selecting a Man of the Year began in 1927 when Time looked what to write about during a slow news week. Since then, an impressive list of  Famous People was chosen “Person of the Year”: Charles Lindbergh, Mahatma Gandhi, Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill,  Martin Luther King,  Bono and Bill Gates, to name a few.
In 2006, Time did an incredible thing by choosing me, well: you. Us, that is.
Wikipedia, YouTube,  MySpace, Technorati. 60 million bloggers. Web 2.0. Virtual communities, horizontal influencing, worldwide social networks. Instant interaction. That is us. And Time thinks it is a revolution. “It’s about the many wresting power from the few and helping one another for nothing and how that will not only change the world, but also change the way the world changes.” Wow.
So You and I are the Persons of the Year. Taking our time to sit down, and share our thoughts on life, the universe, everything. We dip our pen in honey, or vinegar, and let the world know what we think, what we feel. And then, we link, crosslink, and spread our thoughts in that big spider web. Some people think we’re crazy lunatics, with too much time on our hands. Time thinks we matter.

Gosh, Person of the Year. Mom will be proud!

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