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Actionable Intelligence: when Real Time Web is just not fast enough

By 12/01/2010No Comments

While speaking at an event in San Diego last year, I had the privilege to meet Jeremiah Owyang, the energetic analyst from The Altimeter Group (coming from Forrester) as he was giving his views on Social Media. One of the trends he spotted was that the Real Time Web simply is not fast enough for the growing information and data hungry web users. As the need for accurate, focused and profiled data grows, of the shelf (nearly) real time data does not get you in the charts any more. Jeremiah calls the need for a faster, intuitive web use: what he labeled as the “Intention Web.”

It is amazing to see how the web evolved in just a couple of years from an asynchronous web, (archiving thoughts, information and events) over the Real Time Web (instant two-way interaction) to Owyang’s Intention web (metrics used to predict trends and events).

Using both online conversations metrics and online archived knowledge we slowly -but surely- evolve the web towards a worldwide connected grey matter that produces Real Actionable Intelligence. It is safe to say that most of humankind’s sec knowledge is archived and search-able on the net. This vast knowledge library fueled with the flavor of instant, measurable and chart-able online sentiment and online conversation gives an extremely powerful forward-looking knowledge tool.

Adequate metrics, linked to location, time, profile and projected calculated intention give intelligence that can be acted upon instantaneously: Actionable Intelligence is what (personal) brands and corporations will be fishing for in the future. Data tools, metric systems and analytical wisdom to turn this gargantic knowledge pool into tangible and tailored bits will become the moneymakers for the years to come…

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