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Chapeau… and kudos

By 04/08/2010No Comments

Rich people. You know them. The ones that buy Bugatti Veyrons.  The ones flying private 747. The ones that ask top-notch designers to remold their way too young spouses. The ones that buy islands. The ones looking ridiculous smart and cool in designer clothes. The ones earning more per day through interest on capital than you will in a lifetime. Those ones. Rich people.

Most blogs, people magazines, press and Joe six-pack tend to hate, despise and envy them. Them. Their lives. Their wives. Their fortune.

But what know?  Thirty-four U.S. billionaires pledged today to give away at least 50 percent of their wealth to charity during their lifetime or after their death and to publicly state their intention with a letter of explanation. This remarkable pledge is part of a campaign started and spearheaded by investor Warren Buffett and Microsoft founder Bill Gates. (Both. Extremely. Rich. People.)

Among the billionaires that apparently joined the campaign are (quoting Reuters here), -of all people- New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, entertainment executive Barry Diller, Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison, energy tycoon T. Boone Pickens, media mogul Ted Turner, David Rockefeller and investor Ronald Perelman.

I am baffled. There might be hope for this planet after all.

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