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Obama: White House 2.0?

By 19/01/2009One Comment

Well, the battle for the American presidency has certainly caught a lot of attention. And the expectations around the president elect, Barack Obama, are extremely high. With an inauguration the day after Martin Luther King day, some newspapers even talk about “new world”, “new era”, or even more poetic ”the end of the world as we used to know it”.  But let’s give the new president of the United States of America some time to show the world what he is really like…J.

Personally I’m interested in his Blackberry. Like the Belgian ex-prime minister Yves Letherme, Barack Obama is keen on being connected to information. Information that comes in a digital form through his Blackberry.  Tons of articles are now speculating whether Obama can keep his beloved Blackberry or not. And apparently he cannot. Something to do with the safety of the US and the free world, and the fact that presidential correspondence needs to be kept like, forever.

Now, duh. Mail can be encrypted, safely exchanged, password protected. Electronic files can be stored, searched, retrieved.  Most captains of industry are on mobile mail every day (and most of the night) through their Blackberry’s, HTC’s and iPhones. As far as I can tell, this has not resulted in corporations going up in flames, or smaller nations going on the fist because of an intercepted “secret” email.

Let’s be a bit careful with forwarding  the launching codes for the A-bombs, and continue to send highly military secret stuff around with good-old double-muscled and lip-sealed spies. But for the rest, let the new inhabitant of the White House please stay comfortably in a web 2.0 connected world! Heck, I hope the man’s on Twitter.

One Comment

  • Taylor Reid says:

    The Blackberry is the best gadget that i ever received as a gift from my best friend. It has nice features and the design looks very cool too.

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