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Valentines day : put a little commerce in your heart.

By 13/02/2011No Comments

I admit. I am a bad man. A bad, bad man. For more years than I care to remember, I have managed to be utterly and totally unavailable on the universal love feast: Valentine’s day. The global mobile industry holds its yearly conference in Barcelona, schmack on Valentine’s day. Every. Single. Year. So me, and another couple of thousand badly shaved and awkwardly suited techies are leaving our beloved Valentine bunnies at home. Alone.

Now mind, that does not mean you cannot participate in the Valentine frenzy. There are literally countless ways of offering your hard earned paycheck on the altar of commerce, and make your special Valentine extremely happy.  Visa and American Express are the new Cupids and allow you to make wireless donations to Amor to boost your love credits. Flower shops, Tiffany’s, Dior, Chocolate artists, interior designers, champagne brands and the crew from De Beers happily accept digital money streams to make a handsome ,muscular white-van-man deliver a violet-scented, red little package with a pink ribbon at the door of your loved one on valentine’s day.

Looking at most of the techies here at the Mobile World Congress, I’m convinced that sending muscular delivery boys to their significant others on Valentine Monday Morning is an extreme bad idea. To be honest, I’m afraid that a lot of the busy crowd in preparation of the Congress would not even recognize their loved one, is (s)he was not properly #hashtagged, digitally enhanced, augmented reality enabled, and packing the newest Android stack…  They would not make it through the uni-lingual security tweeps anyway.

Valentine. I think it is a bit overrated. Tomorrow, as always, I will miss being home. I won’t send flowers. Nor diamonds. Nothing can pay for the warmth of my coming-home-hug on Thursday. Not even a case of Christal bubbles or the newest Diorette…

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