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It’s not what you think: Jennifer Aniston Naked…

By 16/08/2011One Comment

Ever since she was Rachel in Friends, Jennifer Aniston made it into the secret dreams of a whole army of men, women and occasional visiting friendly little green ones. Women fantasize about her haircut, diet, wardrobe, and curvy lines. Men fantasize about,… hm, guess that would bring me to a total different chapter.
Anyway, La Aniston made it into the top Google search strings (pun a bit intended:-p) since ages. If you do a little bit more research on Google behavior, you see that about 137,4 percent of the intergalactic male population at least once asked Google for a undressed picture of the Californian actress.
Actor Ben Stiller teaches everyone a nice lesson in Search Engine Optimization by announcing the where he piggybacks on the global urge to see more of Jennifer than is strictly good for the heart. Stiller does it for a good cause: His Stiller Foundation’s primary mission is to support children around the world by providing educational opportunities to help them realize their full potential. Machiavelli would agree that promising some naked Aniston to help kids all over the world to better education is a good thing… not?


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