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The human gargoyle

By 16/11/2009No Comments

There we were outside, overlooking a wonderful sunset over a well-known San Diego golf course. Three of us, simultaneously holding conversation, emptying starters and drinks, banging email over connected laptops while keeping an eye on the ever flashing blackberries.

How do you keep two screens, a beer and a discussion going? The gargoyle scene from Neil Stephenson’s amazing book Snow Crash comes into mind: people who make their living connected to the web are better off if they integrate their gear in their clothing… and body. Kurzweiler’s been announcing this for years.

Maybe on my next trip: overhead data projection on my designer shades, middle-ear-implanted voice link, trousers with a terabyte of data storage, keyboard-projecting shirt button.

And a water-cooled in-brain Twitter add-on decrypting fact from the vapor of nuance. Hell yeah! 🙂

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