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You are your Avatar

By 23/12/2009No Comments

I’m amazed how many people still think that there is a clear, solid, protecting wall between their real world, and the digital world that they use on a daily base. For an alarming high number of internet users, the virtual internet world is not yet perceived as “real” or touching their “real life” in any way.

The fact that employers, future employers, co-workers, clients, friends and family have a fluid access to their online lives is something that is too easily forgotten. The barriers between 3D life and onscreen life are quickly eroding away, and will increasingly continue to do so.

Google and other search tools give an online profile of just anyone in a nanosecond. Accessible to everyone that has internet access. More often than not, reputations are made or broken based on this first digital check-out. And some people just see way too late that too much of their live is for grabs out there…

You are what you are, the sum of your real self and that of your digital Avatar…

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